Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lodore June 1st-4th, 2012

Just finished up a sweet Lodore trip. River flows 2300 +/- 500 cfs depending on time of day. Here are some shots (Photographer Jeff Swanson)
Son Tanner (11) at the sticks along with sister Susan
 Kolb Camp
 Typically awesome Lodore Canyon Scenery. Love that Uintah Quartzite! Marcus (13) rowing Dad Robby's boat.
 Tanner about to make a splash just below the confluence at Mitten Park Fault
Matt, Kai and Grandad Bill upstream of the Yampa
 Brenda confirming that Bud Light is the best beer in America
 Kris also adding her data to the hypothesis. Eric concurs.
 Kolb camp
 Jeremy, Jeff, Steven
 Sleepover friend at Kolb camp
 Swimmin the confluence
 Winnies Grotto
 Lodore is a beautiful place
 Panorama of the last part of Triplet Falls
 Matt styling the right side of Lucifer in HHM

Fish Cam works!